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As a landlord, you know how hard it is take care of your properties and keep up with the other parts of your life.  Some days you may feel so overwhelmed that you find yourself thinking that all the maintenance you do on your real estate investments is an endless drain of your time and energy.

When this happens, you need to remind yourself that the work you’re putting in to your properties is essential to keeping your tenants happy. Every time a renter renews his or her lease, you profit both in terms of time and money. If the person stays, you don’t have to clean, paint and get the unit ready for someone else. You also don’t have to advertise, show the rental unit or do credit checks on prospective tenants.

Here are a few simple, but important things you can do to help you keep your renters:

  • focus on building a positive relationship from the moment your tenant moves in;
  • listen to what the person has to say and be responsive to their needs; and
  • be courteous and professional at all times.

Keeping tenants happy will also appreciate the occasional call to find out if everything in the rental unit works properly. And when they pay their rent on time or let you know in advance that they are having a party that they will keep under control, tell them how much you appreciate these courtesies.

You may also want to consider looking into ways to give your property extra appeal. For example, you could provide a deck, patio or recreation room for your tenants to use. And if it’s possible and not already part of the package you offer, you might also look into off-street parking.

At Herman Boswell, we know that keeping renters–especially good ones–happy is crucial to landlord success. We also understand that doing the job right can be a 24/7 proposition. Our team of property management experts is here to help you maintain the best possible relationship with your tenants and assure your long-term financial security. When you need a new lease on your life, contact us!
